~Virtual Card Links~
One of the first things I discovered on the internet was the Virtual Card sites. I can still remember the first time someone sent me a card. This person and I were so amazed that we sent cards back and forth all night. Sending a Virtual Card, Virtual Flowers, Virtual Food, etc. has become a big part of what is done between web friends. I love getting and sending the cards. I hope you do also. Here is a few of the many links available.
~My Birthday Pages~A good reason to send a card
~A & A Pacific Products Gallery~(More than cards, shop for collectibles)
~Blue Mountain Arts~(Cards galore, holidays I did not know about)
~eCardica.com~(New site, have fun)
~Hallmark~(When you care enough to send the very best)
~Cats 411~(FKeySaver, Lots)
~Poski's Postcard Links~(Many links, a beautiful site)
~Smile, Tease Me Greetings~(Not fancy, only smiles & tears here)
~Activegrams Greetings~(Card appears in email, series cards)
~Regards.com~(Use your own images, voice cards, few holidays)
~Awesomecards.com~(Elvis is here, birthdays, Christmas, major holidays)
~Best Free Electronic Greeting Cards~(Links to many card sites)
~Closer To The Heart~(Wow, July 9th is Sugar Cookie Day)
~Nevr2l8 Cards & Flowers~(Links to many sites, some already listed)
~Lindyz Cyber Gift Links~(Virtual Cards, Food, Vacation & more)
~PostCard Place~(Free Virtual Post Cards & more)
~Angel's Love Notes & Cards~(Lots of Precious Moments Cards here)
~Lucille's Cards Quick Keys~(Many links to a huge collection of card sites)
~Shari's Postcards~(Original poetry, many links to other sites)
~Mike's Virtually Everything in Cyber Space Place~(Title said it all)
~Angel Stardust Cyber Card Selections~(Angel cards, Special Request)
~HomeArts: Postcards From the Web~(Animated cards, links to other sites)
~Rene's Renaissance~(Virtual flower cards with animals)
~123Greetings~(I have sent many cards from here, lots of animation)
~Signpost Virtual Cards~(Electronic cards & postcards, gifts & flowers)
~A Free Greeting Card~(Already designed cards or blank ones)
~Sidero's Postcard Jubilee~(Snowglobes, Java cards, others)
~Mike's World Wide Greetings~(Lots of links)
~American Greetings~(They say they have the most cards and greetings)
~EGreetings~(Different variety of cards)
~Jamnbabe's Teasures~(Fun site, lots of cards)
~N Style Greetings~(Lots of style cards)
~Virtual Cards & Stuff~(Cards, Flowers, Gifts, Food)
~Funny Greetings~(Many subjects, holidays)
~Espressit.com~(Funny cards, lots, lots)
~1001 Postcards.org~(Very large variety)
~Sears Portrait Card Gallery~(Very nice selection)
~Castle Mountain Postcards~(Good selection)
